Saturday, October 11, 2014

First Midwife Appointment and Maternity Shopping

Yesterday was my first midwife appointment, and the most exciting thing about it was that I got to finally hear the baby's heartbeat. It was my first "real" sensory experience of the baby. There that heartbeat was, loud and strong-- a whole new little separate person growing in there that we will get to meet in only a few more months!

My midwife told me that so far I am doing well with my nutrition and water intake. She drew three vials of blood to test for things like my Rh factor, blood type, iron levels etc. I am most concerned with my iron levels because I have struggled with anemia for the past few years. I may need to change my diet or take more supplements to get enough for my expanding blood volume as the pregnancy progresses. Overall, the visit was a reassuring one and I go back in one month, but I should hear about the blood work results early next week.

After the appointment, my mother took me shopping for maternity clothing. Because of my body type, I was already starting to have trouble fitting my clothes six weeks into this pregnancy and now at fifteen weeks, my clothing (especially pants) is really tight and uncomfortable.

As soon as I tried the maternity clothing on, it was such a relief. I got two pairs of pants and a few tops that should be enough for me to make it through the pregnancy. I can tell that most of my dresses and a few of my "normal" tops will still fit for most of the pregnancy, so I don't think I will have to get that many maternity things, hopefully.

And now I am off to start my Saturday, but I will leave you with this picture of kitty cuteness.

And yes....we did get another cat (my husband rescued him from behind a dumpster at his work).


  1. Maternity clothes are such a relief! Especially when you feel so awkward and uncomfortable in your old clothes. Finally you can be comfortable again! Just a warning that you may have to buy another round of bigger maternity clothes as your belly continues to grow. I loved hearing the heartbeat. Isn't it just so wonderful? Soon you will be feeling feet and legs and punches and kicks all over the place. I'm sure you are already doing a ton to help with your iron intake, but have you considered cooking in cast iron? It really helped me. I also made sure to eat a shake every day while pregnant with a handful of spinach and some yellow fruits (which you will learn in Bradley class is an important color to eat). Praying for you and your baby! This is such an exciting time

    1. You may be right about another round of maternity clothes, but it is so hard to imagine at this point! I've always been a very petite person and I can't wrap my mind around how much my stomach is going to have to grow. As I held my 6 pound niece yesterday, I was thinking "Oh my goodness!" It's hard to imagine carrying around a baby that big in my stomach (and 6 pounds is not that big for a baby!).


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